Monday, April 22, 2013

The start of Midday Movie Mondays-Mulan

Hey, guys! I'm sorry I haven't posted in so long.  I've been getting caught up with school and stuff, but I promise I'm back! In fact, I'm beginning a new series of sorts to help keep me on track, so you should, at the very least, hear from me once a week!

So, if you didn't read the title, this new series is called Midday Movie Mondays! The idea was born last week on Wednesday when I watched 27 Dresses in the middle of the day to help me feel better. I realized that this was a thing that really helped to put me in a better mood and I realized that, out of all of the days of the week, Mondays are probably the days I'm most in need of a mood booster. So, I decided to start watching a movie every Monday in the middle of the day because I thought it would fun and help me be in a better mood. At which point I realized, hey, I could talk about this on my blog and people might like that and it would get me posting more often. So, here we are, at the beginning of a wonderful journey that I am thrilled to go on with you guys. Yes, I'm aware of how cheesy that was. Moving on.

To start of Midday Movie Mondays, today I watched......
*Cue dramatic music from when she cuts off her hair*
I'm pretty sure everybody and his/her mother has seen this movie, but if you've somehow been living under a rock for the last fifteen years, this 1998 Disney film shows the story of a young woman who decides to take her father's place in the army because she knows he'd die if he went off to fight.

I haven't seen this movie in awhile, so it was really nice to watch again. It was definitely a nostalgia trip for me and I absolutely loved it. Mulan has always been one of my favorite Disney movies, easily making the top 10, if not top 5. I love the story about a strong woman who defies societal norms and expectations to save her father. Later in the movie she says maybe she didn't even do it for her father, that maybe she did it to prove that she could do something right. Personally, I'm pretty sure it was a combination of both, that she was consciously thinking of her father while doing it, but subconsciously she was driven by the need to prove herself, which, personally, doesn't take away from what she did at all. I definitely think wanting to prove yourself in some way is a totally valid reason for doing what you do, whatever it is.

Admittedly one of my favorite parts is the fact that Mulan and Shang don't obviously end up together. There is no big scene where one of them confesses their undying love to the other and they share the most heartfelt of kisses. This isn't what the movie is about. And, yes, by the end of the film, you're aware that they both have feelings for each other, but, overall, the movie isn't about the romance, it's about Mulan making a difference and really becoming someone she can be proud to be. And I'm one of those people who loves a good love story, so if I'm saying one of my favorite parts is the lack of romance, you know this is a good movie.

Anyway, those are my main thoughts. Let me know what you guys think of the movie and make suggestions for any future Midday Movie Monday movies I should do. Honestly, I don't even know what I'm going to watch next week, so if you make a suggestion, there's probably a good chance I'll take it.

Thanks for reading,

P.S. I know that's not the most well-known or used movie poster, but of the ones I found it was by far my favorite  What do you guys think? Better or worse than the more well-known version?

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